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2 Simple Ways to Overcome Stress and Negativity

There is an terrible problem which can sneak into your life and turn it upside down. It can wreck your health, your relationships and your career. As you probably guessed, I am talking about stress. Yes, we’re all exposed to it, but we don’t have to become infected.

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger—whether it's real or imagined—the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the "stress response".
 lets learn how to create this miracle..


Neville goddard consciousness is the only reality

Guys waking up early works miracles, here's why:-

Waking early is one of my favorite things in the world. The morning is quiet as the world hasn’t begun stirring, the perfect time for meditation, writing, exercise and some quiet reading.

Waking early can give you an hour or three of extra time for focus and creativity. While you could do those things later in the day, most people don’t..

now you might think,how to wake up early,right?

1)Get excited. The night before, think of one thing you’d like to do in the morning that excites you. It could be something you want to write, or a new yoga routine, or meditation, or something you’d like to read, or a work project that’s got you fired up. In the morning, when you wake up, remember that exciting thing, and that will help motivate you to get up.

2)Jump out of bed. Yes, jump out of bed. With enthusiasm. Jump up and spread your arms wide as if to say, “Yes! I am alive! Ready to tackle the day with open arms and the gusto of a driven maniac.” Seriously, it works.

3)Put your alarm across the room. If it’s right next to you, you’ll hit the snooze button. So put it on the other side of the room, so you’ll have to get up (or jump up) to turn it off. Then, get into the habit of going straight to the bathroom to pee once you’ve turned it off. Once you’re done peeing, you’re much less likely to go back to bed. At this point, remember your exciting thing. If you didn’t jump out of bed, at least stretch your arms wide and greet the day.


In my every lecture i stress mainly on "Thoughts.." that too mainly positive thoughts..
say out positive sentences in the morning ,after first 15 mins of waking up

For Happiness 

1. Happiness is my birthright. I embrace happiness as my set point state of being.

2. I feel joy and contentment in this moment right now.

3. I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiasm .

For Love Relationship

1. My partner and I share a deep and powerful love for each other.

2. I respect and admire my partner and see the best in him/her.

3. I love my partner exactly how he/she is and enjoy his/her unique qualities.

4. My partner and I share emotional intimacy daily through talking and touch.

5. I have healthy boundaries with my partner

For Success

1. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state.

2. I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly.

3. Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them.

4. Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful.

5. I feel successful with my life right now, even as I work toward future success.

6. I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success.

7. I see fear as the fuel for my success and take bold action in spite of fear.

Repeat these  sentences for 5 times atleast everyday..and see the Miracles happening in your life..

If you enjoyed this article let me know in the comment section below..


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