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Showing posts from August, 2015

2 passwords to have : Harmonious relationships(part 1)

Well,your quest to have harmonious relationship ends here..what actually brought you to this blog is your inner passion or call it your higher self & you reading it, is the biggest proof of how passionate you are towards having harmonious relationships..without much ado i will proceed towards the matter.. :) There  are two major passwords for achieving this goal.. 1] Who are you? well, don't be so amazed by reading that question.. yes! clearly read it right.. knowing who actually you are helps a lot to make a way out..  The universe always responds to our "FEELINGS" ..those feelings which you are currently feeling.. & its very essential to let universe know what you are currently feeling ;so that it gives or provides you with the right results.. its all in your hands..the way you give ,comes back to you..!believe it or not..its true so now your job here is just to send right messages to the universe by saying the only 'truth'